Managing partners

Unified register of contractors – storing information about customers, partners, subcontractors, freelancers, and more. The ability to customize the displayed groups and data fields, as well as multilingualism. Use this data for billing purposes.


A detailed description of the module’s
capabilities for managing all your partners

  • unified register of partners, convenient search, and filtering by roles;
  • the ability to use pre-configured roles of contractors: partner, customer, freelancer, employee, etc.;
  • with groups and attributes configured for them;
  • the ability to customize partners for your business scenarios with the help of flexible functionality: adding, changing, removing any groups, and attributes from an individual partner;

  • the system allows you to create custom groups, and attributes using the application without involving IT specialists;
  • storing historical values – the application stores all changes to the partner’s information with the date of change and previous versions of the data;
  • the multilingualism of the partner – automatically use information in the required language in invoices and other documents;
  • quick copying of partners;
  • use of partner data for invoicing.


Consolidation of information

Unified register of partners

In the application, you can see all the partners you have created. There is a convenient search and filtering to find the necessary partner. There is also a scenario for creating several applications to work in the context of different partners: customers, business partners, freelancers. Use the partner information for invoicing.

Role templates

Using predefined roles
for your partners

In the system, the following roles are realized and predetermined: partner, customer, contractor, freelancer, employee, etc. Each role has defined groups and attributes. There are also several basic groups such as general partner information, contact information, and address, details, etc. Use one of the predefined roles to create a new partner. Either create your own role for your own business scenario.

Role templates

Using predefined roles
for your partners

In the system, the following roles are realized and predetermined: partner, customer, contractor, freelancer, employee, etc. Each role has defined groups and attributes. There are also several basic groups such as general partner information, contact information, and address, details, etc. Use one of the predefined roles to create a new partner. Either create your own role for your own business scenario.


Configure partners to meet the requirements of your business

The system allows you to create custom groups and attributes using the application, without involving IT specialists – you can add, change or delete a group or attributes to a specific partner. You can also change the order of the information displayed by the partner. However, changes to these settings will not affect the other partners with this role.

Copying partners

Copying functionality is convenient when the partner repeats a lot of the information. Create new partners based on previously created ones and save time on repeated actions.

The multilingualism of the partner

You can set a list of languages in which you need to store information about a particular partner and enter data in different languages. And then automatically use the information in the required language in invoices and other documents without having to create several records in different languages for one partner. 

Storing historical values

When changing the values of the partner’s attributes, the system saves all previous versions of the data, the date, and the author of the change. That is convenient, for example, when you need to restore data, for example, invoices in case of changing the details, address, director of the customer.

Functional Roles

Supplement to the Partners manager app. Familiarize
yourself with the Role Management application

  • сreation and editing of customized roles of partners depending on the business scenario;
  • ability to add, change any groups and attributes to a role;
  • the multilingualism of groups and attributes;
  • creation of customized fields of different types, specify the name, type of fields depending on the proposed business scenario;
  • easy search and filtering of groups and attributes.


Role customization

Setting up unique Partner Roles

You can create and configure your roles for contractors, create groups and attributes in roles. In this way, you can set a specific group structure and attributes needed for your business scenario. After creation, these roles will be offered in the list when creating a new partner. This application also provides quick search, filtering, and support for multilingual groups and attributes.

Customizing attributes

Create your partner attributes

You can create your attributes for partners. Set your name for them, choose the type of this field: text field, date, email, phone, URL, and others.

Customizing attributes

Create your partner attributes

You can create your attributes for partners. Set your name for them, choose the type of this field: text field, date, email, phone, URL, and others.

Embedded modules

Universal modules that complement the functionality of the application

Storing attachments

Use the possibilities of storing documents to the objects of the system

We have developed a module for storing documents with system objects. The module works based on and using cloud services of your choice AmazonS3, GoogleDrive (in the future, improvements and integration with other cloud services OneDrive, DropBox, etc.) You can use our resources or connect your own.

Storing attachments

Use the possibilities of storing documents to the objects of the system

We have developed a module for storing documents with system objects. The module works based on and using cloud services of your choice AmazonS3, GoogleDrive (in the future, improvements and integration with other cloud services OneDrive, DropBox, etc.) You can use our resources or connect your own.


Feedback and commenting block

This feature allows you to communicate about the objects of the system, helps to see the entire history of the discussion, and likes or dislikes comments. Leave comments, ask questions, answer the questions. Build effective communication for quick resolution of emerging issues.

Ask a question

Please, specify the details for using a set of solutions or one of our products. Or leave a request in the case of Enterprise-level implementation if your organization has unique processes and you need to customize the solution for more efficient work.

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