Collaboration with documents

A single space for team and individual work on information in the organization – knowledge base, job descriptions, project documentation. Remote adaptation and immersion in the information environment of the company.


Functionality for full-fledged documentation managemen

  • ordered structure of documents;
  • unlimited nesting level for sections and subsections;
  • convenient and fast copying of sections, subsections and content;
  • drag & drop to quickly change the structure of sections;
  • working with content in the built-in text editor;
  • the entire history of content changes saves each version, and in it – when, by whom and what was changed;
  • the ability to return to any version of the content;
  • commenting and discussion within any section;
  • attaching files and links to the section.


Sections and subsections

Creating sections and subsections of an unlimited nesting level

The application provides a convenient structure for your documents by creating an unlimited number of sections with unlimited nesting. You can also set the title, description and URL of the section.

Sections and subsections

Creating sections and subsections of an unlimited nesting level

The application provides a convenient structure for your documents by creating an unlimited number of sections with unlimited nesting. You can also set the title, description and URL of the section.

Copying sections and content

Convenient and fast copying
of sections, subsections,
and content

The copy function helps to create a section that is similar to the one being copied, but differs in some details. In copy documents you can change, add or remove some information to make the text unique.

Sections and subsections

Creating sections and subsections of an unlimited nesting level

The copy function helps to create a section that is similar to the one being copied, but differs in some details. In copy documents you can change, add or remove some information to make the text unique.


Quick adjustment of the partition structure

For quick and easy restructuring of documents, you can use the drag & drop function: simply select and drag a section up or down a level with the mouse.


Quick adjustment of the partition structure

For quick and easy restructuring of documents, you can use the drag & drop function: simply select and drag a section up or down a level with the mouse.

Separation of information depending on the goals

For business

Keep everything in one place: internal documents of the organization, instructions, protocols, contracts, etc. Set up access to them: for all employees, individual departments or organizations, specific team members.


Assign different levels of access to specific information for a particular project, department, or team, and collaborate on documentation.

Personal use

Communicate and create your own content, establish joint work on documents, discuss your own ideas, plans, developments.

Text formatting

Create and edit content using the built-in text editor

The built-in text editor provides a set of convenient editing and document design tools. Use different fonts, text styles, and add links, images, and tables.

In our solution, we use the opensource Summernote WYSIWYG editor. Thanks to Summernote Team for their cool work!


Quick adjustment of the partition structure

The built-in text editor provides a set of convenient editing and document design tools. Use different fonts, text styles, and add links, images, and tables.

In our solution, we use the opensource Summernote WYSIWYG editor. Thanks to Summernote Team for their cool work!

Content management

Creating tabs and headers

  • Content editing allows you to create new instructions and modify existing ones.
  • Within one section, you can divide the content into tabs, which simplifies navigation.
  • You can put important information in the section in the title and it will become available to readers from any tab.

Content management

Creating tabs and headers

  • Content editing allows you to create new instructions and modify existing ones.
  • Within one section, you can divide the content into tabs, which simplifies navigation.
  • You can put important information in the section in the title and it will become available to readers from any tab.

History of changes

Storing all versions
of content changes

Thanks to the history of changes, you can see a list of previous versions of the document sorted by date and author of the changes. Each version saves exactly what changes have been made to this version, by whom, and when. You can also go back to a specific version of the content.

History of changes

Storing all versions
of content changes

Thanks to the history of changes, you can see a list of previous versions of the document. Each version retains the changes added to it, as well as information about who made them and when. If necessary, you can also return to any of the versions of the content.

Usage scenarios

Your company's wiki

Provide employees with corporate information – rules, orders, instructions, answers to questions. Store templates, instructions, guidelines. Develop sections for different departments according to individual requirements or based on ready-made templates.

Work with Project Documents

You can describe and store information on projects/products/services. The advantage and additional features are revealed if you use our Project Management application. You describe the project documentation, plan and execute the work. All this is in a single system, consistent with each other.

Common knowledge base

Store all the experience of your company and employees. Find answers and solutions quickly and easily – help employees efficiently find the information they need, solve problems that have already been solved before. Expand your knowledge base by gaining new experience and creating new solutions. Share information with colleagues.


Open team culture

Social features help all employees, regardless of position, to make suggestions, share ideas and receive feedback.

Take action

Capture ideas not only to accumulate them, but to bring them to life for the growth of your organization.

Team integration

The distribution of information is free among all employees due to the flexible structure of roles and powers.

Common working environment

The ability to store all information in a single Wiki space: ideas, meeting results, project documentation, corporate documents, knowledge bases, etc.

Embedded modules

Universal modules that complement the functionality of the application

Adding and storing files

Use the ability to add and store documents and files

You can add files of various types: folders, documents, pictures, links. All added files will be stored in cloud servers and you can add more, delete or view attachments at any time.

Storing attachments

Use the possibilities of storing documents to the objects of the system

We have developed a module for storing documents with system objects. The module works based on and using cloud services of your choice AmazonS3, GoogleDrive (in the future, improvements and integration with other cloud services OneDrive, DropBox, etc.) You can use our resources or connect your own.


Feedback and commenting block

The application has the ability to communicate: comment on agendas, ask and answer questions, put likes and dislikes. You can build effective communication to quickly resolve issues.

Ask a question

Please, specify the details for using a set of solutions or one of our products. Or leave a request in the case of Enterprise-level implementation if your organization has unique processes and you need to customize the solution for more efficient work.

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